Holidays musing—on e-books and LibraryCity

imageE-books aren’t like regular books—they’re invisible except on the screen of a computer.

Particularly at a time when so many bookstores have vanished, could e-libraries be one way to keep books on people’s minds? And help reinvent the concept of family literacy?

Check out my other site, LibraryCity, where I discuss those issues and more. I call on an existing Harvard-led national digital library project to care about the library needs of both the elite and nonelite. The site also contains tips on matters such as the use of e-books in children’s book clubs.

For now, happiest of holidays!

Details: Yes, I believe libraries should fairly compensate writers and publishers. And to address another matter, I’m using Kindle images simply because they were handy—a national digital library project needs to work with all kinds of devices.

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David Rothman

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