Should the New York Times ditch its sports section?

image In The Solomon Scandals, Jon Stone reflects on sports team preferences as an indicator of character. George McWilliams, the executive editor at the Telegram, Jon’s paper, comes from Brooklyn but grows up rooting not for the Dodgers but the Yankees. Mac favors winners.

If McWilliams were real and alive today, would he be following the Yanks through the New York Times even if he worked in D.C.? Perhaps not. How many people read the Times for its sports coverage? Should the NYT drop the section? The editors have shrugged off the possibility, saying it wouldn’t save enough money and would lessen the paper’s quality.

Over at the Marginal Revolution blog, Tyler Coven wonders if the Times couldn’t “rent out somebody else’s sports section and stick it in the paper with a NYT label on it and maybe an extra article about the Knicks?" (Via Jim Romenesko.)

Image: “New York Yankees v/s Baltimore Orioles 08/31/09.” Creative Common-licensed photo from Keith Allison’s photostream on Flickr.

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