Holidays musing—on e-books and LibraryCity

E-books aren’t like regular books—they’re invisible except on the screen of a computer. Particularly at a time when so many bookstores have vanished, could e-libraries be one way to keep books on people’s minds? And help reinvent the concept of family literacy? Check out my other site, LibraryCity, where I discuss those issues and more. […]

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Osama bin Laden’s death is a military triumph, all right—but how secure are we if dumbed-down U.S. high school students think ‘Al’ Qaeda is a person?

Almost to the day, 66 years ago, on April 28, 1045, Mussolini’s enemies shot him and kicked and spat on his body, and on April 30 of that same year, Hitler killed himself with a Walther PPK 7.65 mm pistol (right photo). Now it is 2011 and we’ve TWEPed and buried Osama bin Laden. A […]

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My Chronicle of Higher Education essay on the need for a well-stocked national digital library system

I’ll be back to the Scandals blog in time, but for now, more of my blogging is happening on the site—devoted to the K-12 benefits and other glories of a well-stocked national digital library system for the United States. Drop by and think about contributing your own essay on the need for one. If […]

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