A billionaire ban? No. Tougher regs and more taxes? Yes.

Billionaires are not always the most lovable people. Remember the Silicon Valley venture capitalist who said wealthy Americas were victims of persecution, just like Jews in Nazi Germany? Oh, the horrors! Our super-rich are so jeopardized that only three billionaires, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, are together wealthier than the lower half of our population if we […]

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Mitch the Snake: How to defeat Mitch McConnell, the second evilest man in town

Mitch the Snake: How to defeat Mitch McConnell, the second evilest man in town

How to defeat Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, the second-evilest man in town—Donald Trump’s main enabler? The cause gained even more urgency Tuesday when McConnell denied that Trump was a racist despite clear evidence such as his bigoted smears against four nonwhite Congress members. Here’s my suggestion. Democrats should out-McConnell the Senate majority leader at the […]

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Junk economics or the Onion? $250K a year barely enough for family of four in pricey cities, says Fiscal Times, a Washington Post partner

Does the Washington Post want to be an opinion rag for the rich or serve Washingtonians and Americans as a whole? Never mind the old adage that newspapers should comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Here’s one indication that the Post is already a right-wing house organ on certain occasions. The Post published wacky […]

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