Georgetown Dish joins TBD blog network: Deju vu angles—in Washington Post’s backyard

Newest member of the TBD blog network in the Washington area is is none other than the Georgetown Dish. It’s the same hyperlocal site I’ve been mentioning for some months now because of the fame of the neighborhood and the lively writing—and, yes, a founder named Beth Solomon. Georgetown is home to ex-Washington Post editor […]

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Danny Bloom’s newspaper obit song: Praise from Carl Bernstein and at least 1/2 an Ear

In the newspaper love department, I’m a piker compared to Danny Bloom, an American journalist living in Taiwan. Check out a YouTube of a song he wrote, I Just Can’t Live (Without My Snailpaper). I linked to it earlier from my semi-traitorous post telling how my old factory town newspaper in Ohio could use the […]

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Sally Quinn wedding feud: Don’t fire Ms. Quinn — turn her ‘at large’

My “Don’t fire” headline is for the benefit of out-of-towners. As a close friend of the Grahams, the owning family of the Washington Post, she in fact comes wrapped in asbestos. So why am I writing this generally pro-Quinn post (amid the “dueling weddings” controversy—over the common date of April 10, shared by her son’s […]

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