Washington Post columnist: ‘Fair number of readers’ wanted LESS on Quinn Bradlee’s wedding

image How much coverage of Quinn Bradlee’s wedding is enough in the Washington Post, where his father was the Watergate-era editor and his mother’s picture still graces the On Faith Web page? I’ve noted that the actual wedding, as opposed to the fuss over the dueling weddings, received just three sentences originally and then just three more after police showed up with a noise complaint at the reception. This despite guests like Woodward, Bernstein, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell and her husband, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan!

But here’s another side from Amy Argetsinger (above photo), coauthor of The Reliable Source gossip column, who, queried today, graciously offered a speedy reply.

“David, thanks for writing. It’s a complicated thing, writing about someone who is associated with the Post, and a fair number of readers are wondering (quite fairly) the opposite of you… which is why there’s been so much coverage of a wedding involving two relatively non-famous people (we had items on both Monday and Tuesday), and if that reflects favoritism towards the groom’s famous, Post-affiliated parents. (Puffery of biggies and their offspring, as you note.) I’ll check out your blog.”

imageI appreciate Amy’s good intentions. My side is that several hundred visitors—different people, not just different visits—dropped by the Solomon Scandals blog yesterday in search of more information on Quinn Bradlee, his wife, Pary, or both. What’s more, Quinn is hardly obscure. Not only does he have a Web site named after him, but he also wrote a book that I’m guessing was probably a bestseller in the Post’s main circulation area. Many parents of children with learning disabilities may see him as a positive role model. While his wife is a looker, I doubt that the cheesecake factor would have accounted for most of the visitors.

OK, so much for that. Having written much more than six sentences, I’m most likely going to give this topic a rest, at least for the next few days, unless Amy or someone else involved has more to add.

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David Rothman

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